Images of Africa: A Case Study of Pre-Service Candidates' Perceptions of Teaching Africa
Study and Teaching of Africa, Global Education, Multicultural Education, Social Studies Education, Teacher Preparation, World History TeachingAbstract
As much as the history and study of Africa have been incorporated into social studies curricula, Africa is still a region that is prone to misperceptions and misconceptions. Social studies teachers could provide students with an alternative image, but what if they only perpetuate misperceptions of Africa? This case study examines pre-service candidates’ perceptions of Africa and categorizes their responses to determine what one group of future social studies teachers imagines when asked to think about Africa. The results show that stereotypes and misperceptions overwhelmingly pervade candidates’ thoughts despite years of study. This work has critical implications on the ways in which we prepare pre-service candidates to teach world history and global studies and how we can help pre-service candidates reflect on their own cultural assumptions and the construction of knowledge.